Scam Alert

Bad news for Facebook users

The data of 257,000 Facebook users (including private messages from 81,000 of them) have gone online. It’s possible up to 120 million more accounts are for sale. Cyber criminals have put online the data of 257,000 Facebook users. For 81,000 of the accounts, even private messages are accessible. The crooks behind the hack said they had details for 120 [...]

2020-08-26T23:03:25+01:00January 13th, 2019|Scam Alert|

Dropbox phishing scams on the rise

Pay special attention when clicking on links in emails supposedly from Dropbox. A recent trend in cybercrime involves sending emails that appear to be emailed from services like Dropbox. This is part of their new round of fraud, in which they say something like, "I have shared a new document with you via Dropbox," or "Please find the attached [...]

2022-07-18T12:46:35+01:00January 13th, 2019|Scam Alert|

Amazon gift card scam on the rise

Amazon gift card scam on the rise People are being tricked into disclosing their credentials by criminals. Amazon user accounts have been exploited to purchase gift cards from devices not previously affiliated with the users' accounts, according to a new round of phishing emails that have been sent out. There is a link to cancel the order in case [...]

2022-07-18T12:34:49+01:00January 13th, 2019|Scam Alert|
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